Sunday, November 28, 2010

Got my free Secret Clinical Yeah!

So now I have, or at least Big J has, a razor that uses a battery, what that means I have no idea, lol :)

All in all, I had a great holiday saved alot and spent very little. I have a yummy fried turkey, thanks to Iron man. I Also received a $5.00 certificate from Kroger for the comment I left at the store that gave me great service, which let's face it I could use right about now. Then the guy who sometimes helps me at RiteAid, told me he enjoys it when I shop with them and that I make it so easy for him to do his job, how awesome is that!
My shopping trip this weekend gave me free Gillette body wash, free Olay lotion, free Gillette deodorant, free Olay 7 signs of aging body wash, and my 8th free secret Clinical. And more free play money :)

This was all stuff I got after the black Friday deals, saving money is so much fun especially when you get those surprises, like a kind word or a $5.00 off coupon :)

Have a lot to be grateful for this holiday season, an awesome family, great neighbors, the cold that keeps the flies away, and time to do what needed to be done. Saving money is just the bonus.

P.S. Sorry don't have my glasses on, sorry for any typo's


1 comment:

  1. aww it dropped my comment... I read it without my glasses so I didn't see any typos
